Magical Orange マジカルオレンジ 山田貢司 石原眞 Koji Yamada 12 Bar Club


Magical Orange マジカルオレンジ 山田貢司 石原眞 Koji Yamada 12 Bar Club and Makoto Ishihara in a surprise concert at the legendary 12 Bar Club, London

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Magical Orange マジカルオレンジ 山田貢司 石原眞 Koji Yamada 12 Bar Club

Magical Orange with Koji Yamada and Makoto Ishihara in a surprise concert at the legendary 12 Bar Club, London. Because this is a J-Pop group straight out of Japan we really cant research much on them. That the concert was more than two decades ago sort of leaves us hanging except that the band seems to have moved on to more music, special therapies and a higher life.

Here on the stage of the legendary 12 Bar Club they really took over the whole room. The stage was hopping and the fans were bopping, the place was alight with energy and enlightenment. While the band did several cover songs, western covers actually, there were plenty of original fire breathing rock on that stage.

Who are Magical Orange マジカルオレンジ

Regretfully I cant even give you a whole band lineup, perhaps when the band finds this page they will contact me and give me the information to further this. All I know for sure is that Magical Orange had two very famous Japanese rock stars in Koji Yamada and Makoto Ishihara filling the roles on this recording. J-Pop and J-Rock groups like Cribabi, Foojiin and Tomovsky are other fine examples of our collection of amazing Japanese band.

If you are in this band or know the band lineup please contact us here and let me know. I want to get this as complete as possible and with a little help from our friends I can do it.

You can contact Koji here:
@koji_yamada_11 for facebook

Band Members for Magical Orange

石原眞 – Makoto Ishihara
山田貢司 – Koji Yamada

Video Stats for Magical Orange At 12 Bar Club, London

Date of Recording: May 26. 2001
Video: NTSC Color
Time: 41min
Digital File Size: 410Meg

Video Taster of Magical Orange


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