Jont Live At 12 Bar Club, London For OnlineTV
Jont always takes the stage with the audience rather than in front of the audience. While he is commanding his performance his warm comradely banter in between songs, explaining the song, how it came about, and what it is about allows the fans to enjoy an intimate performance with the artist. His voice wraps around the lyrics in a sort of mystical experience that is enhanced by his harmonic guitar picking.
For a couple songs Jont is joined by Matt Deighton and they do some amazing songs. Well worth watching.
The short I picked for this set is where he talks about a dream with Bob Dylan that was the inspiration for the song “A Zimmerframe For Mr Zimmerman” and it does allow you to hear his intimate introduction and all his attributes in a single song.
There is some electronic glitches in the first minute or so, the rest is incredibly good quality for the age.
Who is Jont
Video Stats for Jont
Date of Recording: Apr 18, 2001
Video: NTSC Color
Time: 37min
Digital File Size: 368Meg
Video taster Jont Sings “A Zimmerframe For Mr Zimmerman”
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