Flying 66 At Acme Underground, NYC For OnlineTV

(1 customer review)


Flying 66 At Acme Underground, NYC

They were a strong, powerful and tight rock band. Full on from the beginning to the end. Can’t seem to find any CD of them but I know I once had a sticker from them. Anyway, they are well worth the price of admission.


Flying 66 At Acme Underground, NYC

Two amazing concerts from Flying 66 the band. Here is a strong, powerful, tight rock band going full on from the beginning to the end. One of the better rock bands to cross our stages. Flying 66 is intent on keeping you on the screaming edge while pounding the beat right to your heart. The amazing energy and group interaction as well as the audience going wild make these concerts well worth their broadcast on the networks. Leading edge music with leading edge technology.

They were a strong, powerful and tight rock band. Full on from the beginning to the end. Can’t seem to find any CD of them but I know I once had a sticker from them. These recordings are pretty good quality. The lighting was vastly improved at the Spiral Lounge by 2000 and later that year the move to Acme Underground made recording even better. Flying 66 played for us no matter where we went. We support this band then and hope they resurrect! Anyway, they are well worth the price of admission.

It happens a lot lately. I cant find anything about this group really. They even played many times at Acme Underground as well as Spiral Lounge. Perhaps it is my age because I remember the band well. I should drag out the release and see if I can make out names from the signatures (an awful task actually).

Ricks Music Archives is proud to present Flying 66 at Acme Underground for OnlineTV by Rick Siegel Nov 17, 2000 and now offering their April 29, 2000 concert from Spiral Lounge.

These are some awesome collector videos with some real hard core rock and roll.

Available Digital Download!

Video: NTSC
Time: 29 min
File Size: 293Meg
Date of Recording: Oct 11, 2001

Video: NTSC
Time: 36 min
File Size: 369Meg
Date of Recording: Apr 29, 2000

Video: NTSC
Time: 36 min
File Size: 369Meg
Date of Recording: Nov 17, 2000

Tasters of Flying 66 concerts offered:

Oct 11, 2001 CMJ Video Taster

Apr 29, 2000 Video Taster
Nov 17, 2000 Video Taster