Amy Rigby Live At 12 Bar Club, London For OnlineTV


In these hour plus sets at the legendary 12 Bar Club, London Amy Rigby sings out her heart for an appreciative audience. The most fascinating thing about this live concert is how much fun she has with her audience and how much fun the audience has with her.


Amy Rigby Live At 12 Bar Club, London For OnlineTV

In this hour twenty minute set at the legendary 12 Bar Club, London Amy Rigby sings out her heart for an appreciative audience. The most fascinating thing about this live concert is how much fun she has with her audience and how much fun the audience has with her. Throughout the set she holds the attention of the punters and they even sing along, at the end of the set they all join in.

Amy came along with her friend Gina Birch from the band The Raincoats who played an amazing set just before Amy took the stage.

Amy is always working with the audience and this sets her apart from other singer songwriters. I remember Amy from her band The Shams and when I was working at the WFMU radio station I was always promoting her along with many DJ’s there. I have a couple more concerts from The Fort At Sidewalk Cafe in NYC and other venues and I will get them done in due time.

Besides still holding and treasuring The Shams CD I am so happy to have found this treasure in my archives along with the proper signed release and can share it with you.

Who Is Amy Rigby

Amy Rigby, whose real name was Amelia McMahon is an American singer/songwriter who moved to New York City in 1976. She married dB’s drummer Will Rigby in the 1980s, and during the late 1980s and early 1990s recorded with New York bands such as The Shams and Last Roundup, at that time she was using her full name Amy McMahon Rigby.

After divorcing Will Rigby in 1996 her solo career began and in 1999 Rigby moved to Nashville to pursue work as a songwriter-for-hire.
She later relocated to Cleveland, and in late 2006 started spending time in France with her new husband, Wreckless Eric. I am not sure where she is these days, upstate NY, France, or where, but I know she is still out there doing cool stuff. You can visit Amy Rigby website and read her biography there.

Video Stats for Amy Rigby

Date of Recording: Jun 11, 2000
Video: NTSC Color
Time: 1:18min
Digital File Size: 757Meg

Video Taster of Amy Rigby Jun 11, 2000

Date of Recording: Aug 12, 2001
Video: NTSC Color
Time: 1:20:00min
Digital File Size: 795Meg

Video Taster of Amy Rigby Apr 24, 2001


Additional information


Apr 24, 2001 MP4, Jun 11, 2000 MP4


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