SuperChink Live @ Spiral Lounge


SuperChink Live @ Spiral Lounge in New York City.

Superchink were a great band who did a lot of concerts for OnlineTV. We are working on several more shows, including their last show. Right now I present you with these great sets from Jan 29, 1999, Aug 22, 1998, Jul 11, 1998, Mar 27, 1998 and May 15, 1009. The sets are done at our Spiral Lounge in New York and contain great rock and hip-hop.

Who are Superchink?

Legendary, Seminal Asian American Political Power Rock Band SUPERCHINK! Throughout the 1990’s SuperChink rocked the country with unflinching lyrics about Asian American experience, identity and empowerment with their unique fusion of Rap-Rock-Funk. Long before the mainstreaming of Asian America, SuperChink was spreading the word to all audiences highlighting the history and ongoing discrimination’s and injustices against Asian Americans, while maintaining a “Yellow Power” brand of activism in their performances and music.


SuperChink Live @ Spiral Lounge in New York City.

Superchink were a great band who did a lot of concerts for OnlineTV. We are working on several more shows, including their last show. Right now I present you with these great sets from Jan 29, 1999, Aug 22, 1998, Jul 11, 1998, Mar 27, 1998 and May 15, 1009. The sets are done at our Spiral Lounge in New York and contain great rock and hip-hop.

Who are Superchink?

Legendary, Seminal Asian American Political Power Rock Band SUPERCHINK! Throughout the 1990’s SuperChink rocked the country with unflinching lyrics about Asian American experience, identity and empowerment with their unique fusion of Rap-Rock-Funk. Long before the mainstreaming of Asian America, SuperChink was spreading the word to all audiences highlighting the history and ongoing discrimination’s and injustices against Asian Americans, while maintaining a “Yellow Power” brand of activism in their performances and music.

Introducing the band Superchink

2nd generation Chinese American Co-founder Bertrand Wang was SuperChink’s front man. Coming from a background of activism and rap lyricism, Bert embodied the vocal expression of Asian American fury, power and rage. Lead guitarist An immigrated to the US from Japan in the early 80’s to pursue the Rock-n-Roll dream with not much more than his guitar and gritty determination. An’s virtuosity grew out of hard-knocks as he scraped out a living by working in restaurant kitchens so he could have more time to practice. A master of sounds and effects, his guitar transcends mere electrified guitar to a sound more akin to what people have called “wailing souls” and “roaring dragons.” Drummer Geujin Han, a  Korean American, brought a jazzy, hip-hop sound to SuperChink. With his style ranging from swinging rim-shots to dance-able grooves to hard-hitting straight-ahead rock, Geujin lent a rhythmic versatility to the band that always kept audiences moving to the sound. Co-founder and ABC (American Born Chinese) Eric Jiaju Lee on bass was the glue that bridged the rhythm with the riffs. Eric’s melodic and rock-steady bass chops added the heavy funk ingredient that unified the distinct musical sound that was pure SuperChink.

Where are Superchink today

While the band’s break-up in 2000 is still shrouded in mystery, their mark and impact on Asian America is indelible and unmistakable. The world has yet to witness an Asian American musical act that has truly paralleled the standard and imperative of Asian American activism and consciousness-raising that SuperChink achieved. Thankfully, rediscovered from the vaults is the amazing sets recorded by Rick Siegel for OnlineTV Internet broadcast.

The band Superchink”

Bertrand Wang – Vocals
An – Guitar
Geujin Han – Drums
Eric Jiaju Lee – bass

SuperChink Video Stats:

Video: Color NTSC
Format for DVD: DVD-R Only available on hand made DVD-R, no label
Format for Digital Download: MP4
Sound: Stereo

Date: Jan 29, 1999
Run Time: 32min
Download File Size: 327Meg

Date: Aug 22, 1999
Run Time: 22min
Download File Size: 211Meg

Date: Jul 11, 1998
Run Time: 39min
Download File Size: 378Meg

Date: Mar 27, 1998
Run Time: 34min
Download File Size: 340Meg

Date: May 15, 1998
Run Time: 47min
Download File Size: 450Meg